Enter the Gungeon Wiki

Curse Icon

Curse is a hidden stat that influences various things.

Effects of Curse

  • Enemies drop more Money.
  • The chance to receive a reward upon clearing a room decreases with each point of curse, similar to how Coolness increases said chance.
  • The chance to receive ammo upon clearing a room increases with each point of curse.
  • The chance of a chest becoming a Mimic increases by 2.1% for each point of curse.
  • The chance of a chest having a fuse when discovered increases by 5% for each point of curse.
  • Jammed enemies become more common with each point of curse. Jammed enemies deal 1 full heart of damage, move and shoot faster, deal contact damage if they didn't already, and have triple their normal health.
  • Jammed bosses can appear, which behave like regular bosses but deal a full heart of damage with every attack and have their health modified by the formula health * 1.2 + 100.
  • Players become able to enter the Demon Face without the need to hold 100 coins if they are cursed at least once.
  • Lord of the Jammed spawns when the player reaches 10 curse. It cannot be killed, and continually chases the player.
Curse Jammed Chance Chest Chance Drop Chance Cleanse Shrine Text
Enemies Bosses Mimic Fuse Room rewards Ammo
0 0% 0% 2.25% Unchanged Unchanged Unchanged The spectres don't disturb you.
1 1% 0% 4.35% +5% -1% x1.05
2 1% 0% 6.45% +10% -2% x1.10
3 2% 0% 8.55% +15% -3% x1.15 You are touched by darkness.
4 2% 0% 10.65% +20% -4% x1.20
5 5% 0% 12.75% +25% -5% x1.25 You are wreathed in darkness.
6 5% 0% 14.85% +30% -6% x1.30
7 10% 20% 16.95% +35% -7% x1.35 Tarry not. They come for you.
8 10% 20% 19.05% +40% -8% x1.40
9 25% 30% 21.15% +45% -9% x1.45
10 50% 50% 23.25% +50% -10% x1.50 No one can help you.

Past 10 curse, the odds of enemies and bosses being jammed stays at 50%, but other effects continue to increase linearly.

Increasing Curse

Curse can be increased by:

Decreasing Curse

Curse can be decreased by:

  • Dropping any cursed item/gun.
  • Praying at the following Shrines:
    • Cleanse Shrine (sets curse to 0, only if curse is lower than 10)
    • Dice Shrine granting Cleansed (removes up to 10 curse)


  • Stealing from Cursula will only increase curse by 1.